In the never ending quest to entertain and wear out DaKids, I took the day off and we all went to the Boston Children's Museum. The day was filled with it's own adversity's.
First, on the way out there a semi loaded with flour overturned on the pike, delaying us for over an hour.
This delay meant that we were going to cut the time very close to the last train out of the commuter rail station for a while. So we beat feat and nearly made the train had the directions not sent us to the wrong side of the station! OK fine, we head over to a red line T stop sort of nearby.
Have I mentioned they love trains?
Once we finally got to South Station we had a quick bite to eat then wandered over to the Museum. DaKids loved the sights and sounds of the city but DaBoy has this fear of people and insisted to be carried all the way there. (ouch)
When we got there the sensory overload began. There was so much going on between the kids and activities, DaGirl bounced from room to room faster than a high bounce ball. They had a blast:
Knocking over the life-sized chess pieces.
Broadcast on TV!
Flying the "airplane"
Riding in the rocket
Driving the float
Driving the Bobcat
There was a ton more they did that I could not get pictures of since there was so many people and rude little kids getting in the way. Not to mention trying to keep up with our kids. There were three adults and two kids and we still managed to lose track of each child at least once. Exhausting!
Once we deemed the fun was over, we headed toward
The Barking Crab for a proper lunch (more like early dinner) but not before a little peaceful view of the city.
Or not
Once at the restaurant DaBoy promptly fell asleep in Aunty K's lap.
And DaGirl was just an "angel" with an umbrella in her hair
Next stop, the Lexington Fire Department to visit Uncle A. for our own personalized tour of the station.
DaBoy was so excited he couldn't contain himself and DaGirl was a bit cranky when we got there (we had to wake her up when we got there) but she eventually warmed up and was just as excited to be there.
DaBoy thrilled behind the wheel of the ladder truck
DaBoy trying on Uncle A.'s "hat"
DaMom sporting the oversize bunker coat and hat
Boots nearly as large as DaBoy
Norman Rockwell moment
DaGirl eventually woke/warmed up
They loved the ambulance (yes that's his tongue hanging out)
DaGirl with the "hat"
And what could be a better way to end a private tour of a fire station? All the trucks to leave on a call of course.
Out goes the Chief
Uncle A.'s drives the ladder truck away
All in all it was a blast of a day!