
Friday, April 17, 2009

Lack of Prior Planning...

...On Your Part, Does Not Constitute an Emergency on My Part.

At work, I was pulled off of a side track, of a side track, of a side track, twice today for things that absolutely had to be done that instant. This is normal. However where would these guys be if I didn't come in? I probably shouldn't have come in today for various reasons.

I'm essentially a department of one. No one else will pay attention long enough for me to even explain the file system I use.

How would they have gotten their pretty pictures for the proposal that was due today? Just because they've had the proposal for weeks now doesn't mean anything should be mentioned any earlier than the due date, does it?

Who would have talked them off of the ledge and advised against ordering a duplicate part just because they don't want to take the time to figure out the existing parts' code? Spending money solves everything, right?

Who would have contacted a service vendor and started the scheduling process for a job and transferred a pile of information between our customer and our vendor?

Where would they be?


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