
Thursday, September 10, 2009

How is one supposed to react....

....when one sees 700 hours of their labor floating through the Swiss Alps attached to a whirlybird by a shoe string?

A host of questions sprang to mind:
  • Did it fall?
  • Did they break it?
  • I thought they wanted a towable system. Did they really want a flight system?
  • What is that thing hanging behind it?
  • Why is the mountain terraced like that?
  • How did they terrace the mountain like that?
It got to it's mountain top hideaway safely. (*snaps fingers* aw shucks)



  1. Well, if this is Switzerland, those terraces are probably for avalanch protection of the town in the valley below. There was a neat article in National Geographic on the subject where they used big metal fences and poured concrete walls to protect towns.

    The thing hanging behind the trailer is probably providing drag so the system doesn't spin on the suspension cable.

  2. My point was how quickly my concern went from the system to the other bizarre things in the picture. (I kinda hoped it fell).

    Yeah, we figured out what was going on with all the stuff mentioned and that the drag line would also help the pilot judge the landing.
