
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

3 year old H-bomb

On Sunday night DaGirl got a "new" house.

Yesterday DaGirl was outside in her "new" playhouse at 6:45am.
She played in the yard all morning.
Then they went to the park for two hours.
After lunch she refused to nap.

When I got home the fuse had long been set.

She was standing near the playhouse and DaMom left to get something for dinner. DaGirl saw the car moving and the cork popped.
She screamed "I WANNA GO WITH MOMMY!"
She punched the playhouse screaming "I WANNA GO WITH MOMMY!"
She flicked her hand in pain screaming "OUUUCH, I WANNA GO WITH MOMMY!"
I was in the driveway and moved toward her, staying on the other side of the fence, telling her pitching a fit isn't going to get her anywhere. Then I witness her little eyes fill with tears, her head (not just face) turn bright red, and guttural screams build from who knows where.

DaBoy was stood in the driveway, confused by the whole matter. It's not like he hasn't thrown a tantrum or two lately, but she came totally unhinged. I took them both inside and cleaned them up for dinner.

20 minutes later she's still going strong when DaMom pulls down the driveway. DaGirl plops down in her seat at the table and stops crying immediately. By the time DaMom enters she's fine and appears nothing was ever wrong.

I found the incident humorous and disturbing at the same time. It's funny since I knew she was overtired but she's obviously got some of the anger management issues I used to have.


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