
Monday, February 16, 2009


Oh boy, are we are going to be in a lot of trouble when DaGirl gets older.

She's a happy kid and full of energy, sometimes too much energy.

It's common for parents to discipline their children with timeouts and warnings. These are already staples in our house and she's still shy of 28 months. However she can turn anything into a game.

The other day DaMom was feeding DaBoy on the couch, effectively pinned down, and DaGirl was on the futon. She thought it would be fun to jump (more like bounce really, she can't do a standing hop at all) on the futon. DaMom yells at her to stop and to sit down which DaGirl does, for about 5 seconds.

In a clear act of testing boundaries, she starts bouncing on the futon again. DaMom says "...stop jumping, 1......., 2.........,"

DaGirl sits.

Now, in a clear act of defiance, she starts bouncing again.

DaMom is getting PO'd and showing it and is about reissue the warning count when DaGirl beats her to the punch with her index finger up and a drawn out "one............."

uh oh.


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