
Friday, February 20, 2009

When is it to early to teach fluid dynamics?

Apparently DaGirl is auditing a correspondence course in fluids. In our driveway.

When I got home last night I was greeted by DaMom with "Take her with you! She's spent too much time in front of the TV today."

OK, no problem. I'll round her up and we'll walk the dog.

Umm, not quite.

"Curewius HAT" DaGirl says to me. (allow me to translate: Curious George and the man with the yellow hat. One of her favorite shows and good luck getting her away from the TV when it's on.)

Here's where one needs to resort to bribery and trickery.

First I say:Do you want to go pee pee on the potty?
DaGirl: no.
DaGoof: Do you want to walk the dog with me?
DaGirl: no.
DaGoof: Do you want to splash in the puddles outside?
DaGirl: YAA!
DaGoof: OK, then you need to go pee pee on the potty first.
DaGirl: OK.

So I get her away from the electronic baby sitter, emptied out, dressed for outside and out we go. While I'm getting the stroller from the garage she's stomping in the big puddle in the driveway. No problem, she's got her big rubber boots on and her pants are up. She's having a blast. I wheel the stroller over and say "Do you want to walk Scrappy?", she voluntarily speeds over to the stroller.

We go for our walk and upon our return I pick her out of the stroller and put her on the deck. "NNNOOOOOOOO!" She screams. "Pudel" she points beyond DaMom's car.

"OK, you want to play in the puddle some more" I say as I lift her back down to the ground and she scurries over to the puddle. I think to myself "There's only an inch of water and if she gets wet I'll change her. I can put the stroller away and then play with her in the puddle."

Well, when I got back to her 30 seconds later she was standing in the middle of the puddle, bent over, analyzing the flotation characteristics of her mittens as she pushed them through the water.

My future engineer.


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